December 20, 2012 |
Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) 2012 End of Year Report
The Board of Directors (BoD) is pleased to present the 2012 End of Year report summarizing TPA activities over the last twelve months. Before providing the year’s operations details we want to remind you that we are still a 100% volunteer organization. There are no paid employees in the TPA. We do incur expenditures for technical support from our lawyers; CPA; web site support and subject matter experts (SME’s). TPA SME’s provide the technical knowledge used to respond to Forest Services (FS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) travel plans and other Federal regulations affecting our sport. Be assured that your TPA works hard to relevantly, consistently and professionally present our position as it relates to public access for recreation on public property. All documents produced by the TPA are available on our web page in the news section. This provides easy member access to documents to be used at personal discretion in dealing with the local Federal Land managers. The TPA overall plan is to provide resources and technical expertise to the motorcycle community of Colorado and to further our collective work in protecting the sport of motorcycle trail riding. 2012 was a difficult year for motorized recreation on public lands – the recent federal election result means there are even greater challenges ahead. We can expect to see more wilderness designation and other types of restrictive land designations to reduce or eliminate the majority of public access to public property. One might think that the public would see that more wilderness areas are only going to put more recreation pressure on the few remaining areas that are left open. Unfortunately, logic does not always prevail in land use issues of this type. Regardless, TPA and your BoD continue to work relentlessly on protecting the trail riding sport. In light of these positive indicators, TPA continues to take a proactive stance on issues, rather than being reactive. Although easier said than done, this remains an ongoing goal for 2013. TPA had a significant number of projects/actions that were worked during 2012. While we continue to be confident, most are works in progress and require our continuing vigilance and effort. 1. Gunnison National Forest (GNF) 2. White River (WR) 3. Grand Junction BLM
Affiliated Organization Support TPA supported numerous local motorcycle clubs in their work throughout Colorado this year. Some of our major support activities were:
TPA helped with several new OHV organizations in 2012.
TPA is a member of Region Recreation Advisory Council (RRAC), Region #2 (Denver). Legal Actions TPA continues to be involved in Colorado legal litigation actions actively preserving our sport on public lands. Due to their complexity and ongoing current issues, exact details of the current status of each legal action are not available in this year-end report. The legal actions listed below all involve the Colorado Forest Service:
In each of these lawsuits the TPA, in conjunction with COHVCO and local motorcycle organizations, have filed for and been approved by the court for intervening status on each issue. In the case of the Rico Delores action, TPA and COHVCO were joined by the Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC). We will keep you posted on our progress in all of these important issues. Please check our web site for updates. 3rd Annual Trails Awareness Symposium Grant Projects The TPA continued our work with the Colorado State Parks OHV grant program. TPA applied for and was awarded a large grant to build and install OHV barriers throughout the state for FS and BLM areas. The main project, Barrier #2, is designated to build various sizes of trail barriers to ensure proper use of the OHV route. This includes single track, 2-track (ATV), and 4WD. Barriers are built to the FS/BLM specifications and are installed by TPA crews or local organizations. This project continues through 2014. The TPA received a second grant from Polaris Industries to be used in conjunction with the Barrier Grant #2. Donations The TPA continued its mission of providing resources/donations to local clubs and organizations to help ensure the continuation of OHV recreation in their area. These include:
* TPA works very closely with COHVCO and the AMA on all Colorado OHV issues. The TPA has received tremendous support and donations this year. The TPA BoD wants to recognize two organizations that hold annual motorcycle events that provide important contributions to the TPA. The RMAR/CAM 1000 and the Gold Rush Ride are both great supporters of our sport. Thank you! The BoD also greatly appreciates support from our private donors and motorcycle industry companies. Without these supporters we would not be able to do the work with which we have been challenged. During the Trails Awareness Symposium, one rider asked a very pertinent question, “Who is going to carry our cause into the next years?” Every motorcycle rider that wants to ensure the future of public access and motorized recreation needs to answer this question. If we don’t protect the future, then who will? The TPA thanks all of our supporters, and solicits comments and suggestions to help in our work. The TPA Board of Directors See images/graphics in the full PDF download.