NMOHVA Elephant Rock Motorcycle Trail System Support

Attention: Matt Seidel
OHV Program Manager
7816 Alamo Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120

SUBJECT: Letter of Support for the 2019-2020 Off-Highway Vehicle Grant Application, Elephant Rock Motorcycle Trail System, submitted by NMOHVA

Dear Matt:

Please accept this letter from the Colorado Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) as an official letter of support for the Elephant Rock Motorcycle Trail System, Off-Highway Vehicle Grant Application submitted by the New Mexico OHV Alliance (NMOHVA).

The TPA is a volunteer organization created to be a viable partner to public land managers, such as the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple-use recreation.  The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes the necessary action to ensure that the USFS, BLM, and others allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands access to diverse, multiple-use trail recreational opportunities.

The TPA represent thousands of off-highway motorcyclists and OHV enthusiast that travel to New Mexico to enjoy the diverse and scenic back roads and trail opportunities that New Mexico has to offer.

Specifically, the TPA supports NMOHVA’s grant application to restore and improve the sustainability of the Elephant Rock Motorcycle Trail System near the popular tourist destination of Red River, NM.  Our users and affiliates that ride this area acknowledge the need to address and repair the ongoing erosion issues along this trail system and we support the employment of the proposed sediment and erosion control practices to improve the resource protection of the trail system and reduce the ongoing maintenance needs. Additionally the TPA enthusiastically endorses the proposal by NMOHVA to increase user education and safety through the installation and deployment of signage and map development proposed by this grant.  These educational and managerial elements will be crucial to help ensure a sustainable and long-lasting recreational opportunity to be enjoyed by OHV enthusiasts.  Similarly the TPA supports the proposed trailhead improvements included with this grant application since trailheads and their associated facilities “set the tone” for positive recreational experiences and provide key information for users about the rules and regulations governing their enjoyment and use of the trail system and landscape.

The TPA believes this project is an appropriate and warranted use of New Mexico OHV grant funds since it directly and effectively “pays back” to the users that have helped to fund the OHV grant program.  If this grant is approved and awarded to NMOHVA, the TPA will commit to a $5000 cash donation specifically to NMOHVA, exclusively for this project. The TPA is not alone in its support and recognition of the need for this project as evidenced by the commitment of funds and volunteer efforts pledged by others.

In summary, the TPA supports the Elephant Rock Motorcycle Trail System, Off-Highway Vehicle Grant Application submitted by the New Mexico OHV Alliance (NMOHVA).

Don Riggle
Director of Operations
Trails Preservation Alliance