Submitted through the BLM EPlanning Website on the BLM National NEPA Register
Daniel Kauffman
Project Lead
Green River District
Planning and Environmental Coordinator
Bureau of Land Management
RE: Comments by Ride with Respect, Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition and Trails Preservation Alliance concerning the BLM’s Scoping Document in the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan, DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2019-0019-EA
Dear Mr. Kauffman,
Ride with Respect (RwR), Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVO) and Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) (collectively “the Rider Groups”), by and through their undersigned counsel, appreciate this opportunity to submit the following scoping comments in the above-referenced San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan (TMP) environmental assessment (EA) process. We appreciate the BLM’s time and effort in hosting the online public scoping open houses on February 2nd and 4th, and in preparing the February 2021 scoping document to which these comments refer. The Rider Groups participated in the 2008 Price RMP and the related travel planning for the Price BLM resource area. Many of the contributors to the Rider Groups routinely ride and camp in the San Rafael Swell travel management area (TMA). The Rider Groups hope to work with the BLM to develop and produce the TMP with a high quantity of high quality routes to achieve full compliance with the Settlement Agreement while providing an important resource for the visiting public.
Rider Groups’ Scoping Comments San
Rafael TMP EA
March 3, 2021
Responses to Questions Posed in the Scoping Document
1. Resources
One of the most important resource issues is the impact to OHV recreation caused by the Dingell Act’s congressional designation of roughly 650,000 acres of wilderness. The draft TMP should address how to accommodate the valuable and important resource of OHV recreation that was displaced by this wilderness designation, which closed 73 miles of Class D roads and even more non-road routes that have been continuously ridden by OHV from the present day back to many years before the current travel plan (i.e. the 2008 RMP). Some of the best OHV trails were closed upon designation of some Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) prior to the Dingell Act, and the TMP should examine whether they were closed correctly or whether they were and are valid and existing rights to which a WSA designation and a later Wilderness Act designation would be subject. In any event and at the very least, it is critical to keep the remaining roads and trails open to public motorized access as OHV use grows.
In terms of the TMP and its interface with natural resources management overall, the scope of this EA should ensure that the BLM adheres to the consistency mandate of Section 202(c)(9) of FLPMA, which is that the TMP shall be consistent, to the maximum extent consistent with Federal law, with the resource management plans and policies of Emery County and Sevier County for lands within the TMA, Wayne County for lands adjacent to the TMA, and the State of Utah for all relevant lands.
Additionally, the scope of the EA should allow for consideration and impact analysis regarding the human environment, namely the residents of Sevier County and Wayne County who recreate with OHVs, derive income, and are otherwise important stakeholders in large parts of the TMA that are accessible from Sevier and Wayne Counties even as much or more so than from many of the cities and towns of Emery County.
Because the Dingell Act wilderness designation could presumably impose more acreage for wildlife habitat and non-motorized recreation resources, the TMP EA should analyze the impacts from these on the resources of motorized recreation. There should be a careful before-and-after comparison and analysis of total motorized route mileage and area-by-area motorized route mileage in these new wilderness areas.
For additional comments on Resources, the Rider Groups incorporate by reference the written comments of March 1, 2021 submitted by Sage Riders Motorcycle Club, attached hereto.
2. Existing Roads and Trails
The draft TMP should consider designating all existing routes in the San Rafael Swell recreation area because, even though the Dingell Act precludes the construction of new routes, it does not preclude adding existing routes to the travel plan. In fact the Dingell Act intended to balance preservation interests with recreation interests by designating half of the Swell as wilderness and the other half as a recreation area, not an NCA, so we expect this planning process to ensure that the Swell recreation area lives up to its name.
For additional comments on Existing Roads and Trails, the Rider Groups incorporate by reference the written comments of March 1, 2021 submitted by Sage Riders Motorcycle Club, attached hereto.
3. Connectivity, i.e., Roads and Trails that Connect Between the TMA and Adjacent Areas
The draft TMP should address connectivity outside of the planning area, because the planning area dissects many trail systems. The TMA boundaries (per the settlement agreement) appear to be based on SUWA’s interest in ARRWA, not travel patterns. Therefore it is key to consider routes outside of the TMA to link and make loops that would organize travel.
Ensuring the connectivity of routes that lead to and from areas in and out of the Dingell Act Wilderness boundaries is critical, because the Dingell Act provides that public lands adjacent to the Wilderness boundaries shall not be managed as a wilderness buffer area; in other words the motorized, multiple use character of those adjacent areas shall not be diminished at all by reason of the Wilderness designation. The only way to reasonably honor this, is to require and preserve openness, use and connectivity on all routes leading to and from the Wilderness area.
For additional comments on Connectivity, the Rider Groups incorporate by reference the written comments of March 1, 2021 submitted by Sage Riders Motorcycle Club, attached hereto.
4. Resolving Major Gaps and Deficiencies Found in the 2008 Travel Plan
The 2008 Price Resource Area travel plan is clearly incomplete in several areas of the TMA such as Mussentuchit Flat and other areas. Route inventories in these incomplete areas had not been completed prior to 2008, thus the current travel plan is untenable. The draft TMP should recognize this deficiency, and then utilize a complete, TMA-wide route inventory. Thus, decisions will be made for the first time ever in these formerly incomplete areas, based on full knowledge of the use that has taken place over the past half century.
Route inventories in all parts of the TMA should include a baseline of all roads and trails, if any, that are or will be proposed to be closed as a result of the Dingell Act wilderness designation. This information is essential to allow meaningful comparisons among alternatives and to minimize impacts.
The above-named Rider Groups acknowledge and are appreciative of the BLM’s effort to achieve compliance with the 2017 Settlement Agreement and meet the other objectives stated in the Scoping Document. We hope that the scope of this effort will be adjusted to provide for the concerns stated above. Thank you again for the opportunity to submit these scoping comments.
Mark Ward, Legal Counsel
For and On Behalf Of:
Ride with Respect
A Utah Nonprofit Corporation
Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition and Trails Preservation Alliance
Colorado Nonprofit Corporations and Signatories to the 2017 Settlement Agreement
PO Box 585 Ferron, Utah 84523
Background: The Sage Riders Motorcycle Club has over 200 members throughout the State of Utah. The Sage Riders has a strong club membership within Emery and Carbon Counties. The Sage Riders was formally organized in 1980.
We have a strong presence in the San Rafael Swell and Chimney Rock areas. We sponsored our first desert race in 1983 in Chimney Rock. Since then the Sage Riders have had races held within the Price BLM management area in Chimney Rock for over 37 years. The Sage Riders Motorcycle Club currently possess an active special recreation permit with the intentions of having additional desert races in this area.
Within the last 20 years, the Sage Riders Motorcycle Club has provided hundreds of volunteer service hours to enhance and protect OHV use. These projects include kiosk placement, trail markings and trail patrol. At times we have used our own funds to mark and maintain trails.
In 2007 the BLM requested assistance in completing a Wilderness Characteristic Inventory. The club spent over a thousand hours and volunteer time and money to complete this project. A final project was submitted to the BLM.
Travel Management Area (TMA) CONCERNS:
- In 2007 the Sage Riders Motorcycle Club and the Castle Country OHV Club submitted a detailed report on Non Wilderness Study Area Lands with Wilderness Characteristics DRMP Price Field Office. This is a detailed report concerning areas within the Price Field Office, outlining areas that contained substantial ground disturbances that would disqualify a particular area from being considered as having wilderness characteristics. This report contained hundreds of GPS location waypoints and photographs that are within the San Rafael Swell TMA. We are asking that the BLM consider this document and give it equal consideration in relation to data submitted by other special interest groups.
- The San Rafael Swell TMA boundaries are very concerning. The boundaries lack consistency with other travel management areas. We need to need to make sure that travel routes interface with other travel management areas.
- In evaluating essential routes, it is important to recognize the vast recreational experiences that are currently being practiced within the SRS TMA. These experiences can range from single track trail riding to full size 4WD to a low clearance car. Each of these OHV uses have unique disciplines and experiences that need to be recognized. A single track trail experience is different from a UTV experience. For example different areas within the SRS TMA have different recreational nitches. The Sids Mountain Trail System recreational niche is different from the Temple Mountain or Chimney Rock Trail system.
- It is important that loop systems and routes to view points be left open to enhance the recreational user experience. This document will also aid BLM recreation managers with the identification of loops and connectivity.
- The routes within the SRS TMA have an important economic consideration for the residents of Emery County.
- With the implementation of the Dingle Act and the creation of hundreds of thousands of wilderness acres, OHV recreational distribution outside of the wilderness areas becomes vitally important.
- The SRS TMA interfaces with several communities such as Green River, Emery City, Ferron and Castle Dale. Routes that allow loops, ingression and digression to BLM travel routes are of high importance. These community interfacing routes have an important function to these interfacing communities and due caution should be used to avoid any closure of existing and used routes in these areas. These areas provide connectivity from community to community. They have an economic base in these communities and have lots of family traditions.
Since the SRS TMA includes a large geographical area, the comments provided by the Sage Riders Motorcycle Club will be broken down in smaller areas. Within our comments not every road or trail will be mentioned; however, this does not negate the need or importance of routes not specifically mentioned within this document.
If any area is favorable for an “open OHV” area, the Buckmaster would be an ideal area. The sand, slick rock and other soil components makes this area suitable for an open area. This area has been mined with heavy equipment that created many routes that are now enjoyed by the OHV community from single track, OHV and 4WD. In addition there are many routes in this area that provide access to current State Trust Land and State Trust Lands that will eventually be traded out because of the Dingle Act. Putting aside the fact that the RMP did not classify this area as “open” despite the recommendation and comments made by the Sage Riders Motorcycle Club and other OHV clubs, this area should retain all of the routes that are currently open with the existing travel plan plus the addition of the Miner’s Run Single Track Trail. This area has several key loops. This area is heavily used and has many historical uses and dispersed camping.
The BLM also needs to take into consideration that this TMA interfaces with the San Rafael Desert TMA, specifically with the Acerton Mine OHV area and Shad Scale Mesa.
This area has key dugways and areas that allow interfacing and loops with Tidwell Draw, Cottonwood Wash and Lost Springs Wash.
This area supports the City of Green River. This system has a community interface with the City of Green River and provides economic support to this city.
There are several active mine claims in the Buckmaster. The State of Utah, Division of Gas, Oil, and Mining recently completed a mine stabilization project on abandoned mines to enhance user safety in this area. Many of the mines were stabilized in a manner allowing OHV users to look inside to view this historic use of this area.
Many of the routes on the Buckmaster allow users to access some spectacular views of the San Rafael Reef and San Rafael River.
- 2815 has no recreational value and does not need to be considered for use.
- Miner’s Run 2317, 2318, 2306, is the only single track trail in the Buckmaster and thus has a high recreation value. The Sage Riders Motorcycle Club has spent many hours maintaining and marking this trail.
- 2300 is a key route that allows access and loop opportunities within this system.
- 2295 is an out and back route that is highly scenic.
- Several of the loops in the Buckmaster are not named; however, they will be described further. One such loop that is used highly is 2297, 2310, 2304, with a key access of 2302.
- The Buckmaster Dugway 2304 is a key route that allows access from the Buckmaster to Tidwell Draw. This route has been maintained by the BLM.
- Tidwell Draw Buckmaster loop is composed of 2302, 2304, 2371, 2379, 2288 and 2293.
- Smith Cabin Loop is open to 4WD. This loop also provides access to hikes that go into the reef canyons including Thompson’s Hole, Grotto Canyon and the San Rafael River access and State Trust Land access. This is completed with 3372, 2371 with a return route of 2379 and 2304.
- 2357 is a really fun 4WD route that allows OHV access to avoid the main county road and plays a key part in the Lost Springs Loop from the Buck master.
- 2377 provides hiking access.
- 2370 provides access to private land.
- 1-70 Overlook loop is composed of 2358,2359, 2363, 2362, 2367, 2368, 2367,
and 2348.
- Round Hill Loop is another popular loop that is complemented with 2347, 2343 and 2341.
- San Rafael Scenic Overlook Loop is composed of 2337, 2338, 2348, 2340, 2341, 2342, 2344, 2346,2351, 2356, 2334, 2320, 2322, and 2327. This is the main travel loop in the Buckmaster. Users are allowed to view a variety of abandoned mining activities such as old vehicles and cabins.
Shadescale Mesa is another area that was part of a large uranium mining activity from the 1950 to the early 1980s. There are many miles of roads that were created by bulldozers that are now enjoyed by OHV users. In addition, the BLM routes allow for critical access to Stale Trust Lands.
Also needing consideration is that Shadscale Mesa interfaces with the Buckmaster and the San Rafael Desert TMA.
Shadscale Mesa has several loops that are also supported with key dugways and routes that allow access to this mesa. Access to this mesa is also important for hunting.
- Key access routes to the mesa that are critical include 2422, 2419, 2456, 2453, 2452.
- Key loop routes 2460, 2456, 2462 and 2456.
- San Rafael River Access is 2459.
This area is in close proximity to Price City and Highway 6 thus making this area a popular recreational area. Routes in this area have a high recreational value and provide access to historical areas. Many routes provide access to traditional dispersed camping areas, overlooks and access to hunting areas. This area contains routes that cross the Price River that allow for loop opportunities and the disbursement of OHV use. Many routes provide critical access to State Trust Lands.
1403, Price River or Marsing Single Track Trail is the only single track trail that is north of the Price River. Being the only single track trail in this area, this trail has a high recreational value. It is a high technical trail. Routes leading to this
!railhead, 1403 and 1377 also provide access for full size vehicle access to the Price River overlook in conjunction with the Price River Single Track Trailhead. Over the years the Sage Riders motorcycle club has provided volunteer service hours on this trail in terms of marking, trail preservation and trimming back the tamaracks.
- 1403, single track trail provides access to 1235 and 1234 that are important components in providing a loop opportunity in conjunction with 1229, 1231, 1129, 1016, 1015, 1014, 1007, 1187, 1533 Jump Trail, 1536, 1534, 1539, 1555, 1556, 1492, 1494, 1486, 1488, 1485 Price River Crossing, 1159, 1165 Bob’s Trail, 1415, 1414, 1413, 1425, 1409 with 1377 completing this loop, This loop has a high recreational value.
- The inventory is missing a single track trail, located east of the Price River Single Track Trailhead. This is called the Drill Pad Trail. GPS data for this trail will be submitted.
- 1415 Bob’s Trail (already mentioned as a key route in a loop with the Price River Single Track Trail) is part of an ATV/UTV loop with 1430 Case Hole Trail. This loop is completed with 1414, 1413, and 1165. Also of high importance is that 1415 and 1430 provides access to State Trust Land.
- 1377, already mentioned as a key route to the Price River Single Track Trail and Price River overlook, is a key recreation route and this road also provides access to State Trust Land.
Cedar Mountain is a high recreation area with many traditional uses including dispersed camping, off road vehicle use and hunting access. Many of these routes on Cedar Mountain provide access for hunting and fishing access. This is a very popular recreation area for the citizens of Emery County that live in Huntington, Cleveland and Elmo. Several of the routes provide access to private property and State Trust Lands.
- 1404 is the main travel route that provides access to several other key routes.
- 1533 and 1536 Jump Trail allows for the completion of a key loop from the Price River Single Track Trail.
- 1007 is another key access route that provides access to the 1561 Sulphur Canyon Single Track Trail and 1533 and 1536.
- 1234 is an ATV, high clearance 4WD route that is another key access route to the Price River that is used for hunting, fishing access and access to State Trust Land. 1234, 1229, 1015, 1238, 1237, is an access route to the Price River and a historic cabin and homestead that is frequently visited.
- Hunting and fishing access along the Price River is supported by 1236, 1238 and 1224, which also includes access to State Trust Land.
Chimney Rock is a premier single track destination in the State of Utah. The Chimney Rock Single Track Trail System collects users from the State of Utah, Idaho and from the Western Slope of Colorado. On any given weekend half of the users are from out of state, with the majority being from Colorado.
The Sage Riders Motorcycle Club has donated hundreds of volunteer hours in Chimney Rock in maintaining, signing, cattle guard placement and fence building. Since 2001, the Sage Riders have spent over $20,000.00 in this area conducting archeology studies within the footprint of the trails.
For over 35 years the Sage Riders have sponsored numerous BLM permitted competitive motorcycle racing events. Through these events, users have gained a knowledge of this area and have returned with their friends and families to enjoy this area.
Being in close proximity to Green River, the Chimney Rock trail system is a financial contribution to the City of Green River.
The Sage Riders Motorcycle Club currently has a special recreation permit for Chimney Rock that is good for three more years.
This TMA is very problematic, in that it cuts the Chimney Rock Trail System in half. It is important that we understand the implications of this and ensure that this TMA interfaces with the rest of the travel plan in this area. It is important that the BLM ensure that the loops from the existing plan will be supported with the TMA of the San Rafael Swell.
Chimney Rock has three very important washes that provide an enhanced single track and ATV loop system. These washes all interface with each other to complete loops. These washes are critical routes. These washes are Camel, Neversweat and Summerville.
- 1498 Cedar Mountain Trail (base of Cedar Mountain) is a key 66 inch travel trail that interfaces with trails and roads on both ends.
- The Humbug ATV Loop is supported by 1542, 1543, 1531, 1530, 1532, and 1515.
- Stove Gulch Trail is a favorite of ATV and motorcycle users. This trail is a loop supported with 1552, 1550, 1549 and 1547.
- 1548 known as the Madsen Trail Loop provides access to 1550 and 1549.
- 1551 single track trail is heavily used to provide access to other single track trails.
- 1544 is a key route in that it provides access to State Trust Land and is a key part of a loop that is shared with 1543, 1515, 1471 and 1472.
- The Chimney Trail system is heavily influenced and supported by three key travel washes, Camel, Neversweat and Summerville including 1108 and 1113. Summerville is a high clearance 4WD, Neversweat 1471 (Emery County road 3314), Camel Wash 1461 (Emery County road 3312) is also high clearance 4WD. These routes also provide access to State Trust Land. The connector routes to these three washes are vital. These include and are not limited to 1102 and 1105.
- Neversweat Wash Single Track loop system is supported by 1477, 1471, 1478 and 1472.
- Summerville Wash Single Track loop system is supported by 1109, 1172 and loops back into another travel plan that is not part of the San Rafael Swell TMP.
- Camel Wash has several ATV routes that provide access to overlooks of the Chimney Rock Flat. These have a high scenic value to OHV users. These would include 1461, 1467, 1464 and 1465.
East of Emery are several roads and trails that interface with the Town of Emery. These routes are highly valued by the citizens of Emery. These routes have been historically used by families from Emery for over a hundred years.
These routes also provide access to traditional big game hunting areas. This area is very unique in that it provides a variety of trail/road types and access several scenic overlooks and views.
- Serferano’s scenic overlook is supported by 5351, 5350, 5345, 5346, 5353, 5354.
- Seferano’s Loop is supported by 5361, 5354, 5344 and 5343.
This area has a high recreational and tradition use value. This area is used by citizens of Emery County that reside in the southern part of the county. In addition, use of this area is also heavily supported by users from Sevier and Sanpete Counties. Also to be considered is that many routes in this area provide access to hiking and hunting areas.
- The Lone Tree Single Track Trail System is supported by 5035, 5071, 5041 with connectors 5071, 5070 and 5012.
- The Little Wedge Overlook, 5050 is the highest scenic overlook destination in this area. This scenic overlook has a high recreational scenic value. In addition this route provides access to at least three different hiking trails that access the Muddy River and Willow Springs.
- The Willow Springs Single Track Trail is supported by 5058 and 5060.
- Dike Road 5125 allows access to a hiking trail.
- Ireland Mesa routes provide key access to scenic overlooks, view sheds and critical hunting access to areas such as Segar’s and John’s Holes. These critical routes include 5145, 5149, 5147, 5146, 5150, 5158, 5156, and 5158. These routes include loops and access to State Trust Lands.
- The Coral Canyon Road 5389, provides access to the Coral Canyon hiking trail and the Lower Last Chance hiking Trail. This is a cherry stemmed route supported by the Dingle Act.
- The Temple Wash single track trail system is composed of 5100 and 5099.
- The Devils Canyon Single Track Trail Loop has a very high recreational value. Being close to 1-70, this route is easily accessed. It is a short but fun loop. This is completed with 5021, 5023, 5022 and 5026.
This area ties into Link Flat and Copper Globe. These areas all interface with loops. This is a very popular recreation area. With easy access and close proximity to 1-70 and the !railhead at Justesen Flat, this area has a high OHV recreational value. Many of these routes provide access to historical use areas and scenic views.
- Kimball Draw Loop is supported by 5002, 5003 and 5001.
- Another popular loop is 5004, 5007 and 5008.
- Airstrip road is also a highly used route. This road gives access to a backcountry airstrip and a scenic view. This is supported by 4588 and 4590.
This trail system includes routes that were cherry stemmed into wilderness and routes that are not part of wilderness. These routes within the wilderness were supported by the Dingle Act and have a high value to Emery County.
- Wilderness routes supported by the Dingle Act with high recreational and loop values Eva Conover, Coal Wash. South Coal Wash, North Coal Wash, Devils Race Track and Fix It Pass. 3314, 3269, 3268,3329, 3271 and 3270. All access roads and trails supporting the above mentioned and loops must be maintained. These routes are the highest used ATV trail systems in Emery County.
- A key component in completing the Sid’s Mountain Trail system is the routes from Reid Nelson Draw. These include 3040, 3283, 3286, 3290, 3270, 3040, 4028 and 4030.
- Cain Wash is a favorite route that is heavily used with a high scenic value. This route also supports hunting access, 3040 and 3041. Cain Wash also provides access to one of two Sid’s Mountain hiking trails 3039.
- The Wood Hollow Route relieves some OHV use from the Sids Mountain Trail System and provides an additional loop opportunity. This is supported by 3322 and 3329.
This is another key area that interfaces with Ferron City. This is a highly used area and has several loop opportunities. These routes have a high recreational value and provide some economic base to Ferron City. In addition since these routes are in close proximity to the Sid’s Mountain ATV system, it provides some disbursement of use.
- Whiskey Wash Loop. This is a heavily used 4WD route that is supported by 5209 and 5208.
- The Mustang Loop starts on State Trust Land, off the Moore Cut Off Road. This is a high scenic value loop and is also used for hunting access. This loop has smaller loops within the system. The routes for this loop includes 5211, 5213, 5221, 5220, 5216, 5209, 5210, 5237, 5234 and 5209.
- Bass Pond Loop is a favorite destination 5201.
Dutch Flat is another area that has a community interface with Ferron City. This is a high OHV recreation area that is used by individuals ingressing and digression from Ferron. OHV recreation use in this area has an economic value to the City of Ferron and to Emery County. This is another area that has loop opportunities that will help in disbursing OHV use from the Sids Mountain area.
- Short Canyon 4WD loop is made possible with 3397, 3392, 3382, 3380, 3375, 3353, 3357, 3352, 3350, 3346, 3343, 3341 and 3339.
- Red Hole Draw Loop. This loop can share a common return route with the Short Canyon 4WD. This loop is completed with 3239, 3341, 3343, 3346, 3350, 3352, 3352, 3353, 3357, 3345, 3327, 3328 and 3337.
- Molen Wash/Short Canyon loop is supported with 3419 and 3404.
This trail system is probably the most popular single track trail system in Utah. This system strongly supports the City of Green River. The Sage Riders Motorcycle Club has provided hundreds of volunteer hours in maintaining, marking and mapping of this system. In addition, private funds were used lo help in marking this system to maintain the integrity of it. This system is composed of Lone Man Butte Road, Five Miles of Hell, Red Trail, Blue Trail, Orange Trail, Green Trail, Purple Trail and the VJ Trail. Several of these trails were created by bulldozers.
- These routes are 2764, 2743, 2757, 2756, 2756, 2744,2723, 2724, 2727, 2581,
and 4308.
This is a hallmark trail of the lower San Rafael Area. This is a heavily used trail system that was created by a bulldozer. This route has a high scenic and recreational value.
There are a couple of loop opportunities that are important.
- Behind the Reef and Horse Canyon Loops is supported with 4265, 4245, 4242, 4243, 4264, and 4263.
This is a key access road that allows boaters on the Muddy River to retrieve their rafts and kayaks, 4254
This loop allows users to enjoy old uranium mining activities including mines and mining equipment and houses.
- Red Canyon Loop is composed of 4175, 4176, 4061, 4172, 4188, 4194. All these routes were created by bulldozers.
Paul Anderson, Sage Riders MC
Helper, Utah
Wade Allinson, Sage Riders MC
Southeastern Utah Public Lands
Ferron, Utah