The TPA helps Exit Tours MC with start up funding

February 03, 2013
The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) recently donated a check for start-up funding to Exit Tours M/C in Salida, Colorado (a non-profit organization).

The donation will be use to promote Exit Tours M/C and the club’s aim to share riding experience with motorcyclists by sponsoring various events like Trail Rides, Dual Sport adventures and Adventure Tours in the Rocky Mountains.

In addition Exit Tours M/C will work with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and BLM on mutually beneficial projects and adopt and maintain trails in the National Forest.

Exit Tours M/C goal is to promote our sport, to provide motorcycle enthusiasts with knowledge and skills and to support the Colorado Off HighwayVehicle Coalition (COHVCO) and the TPA.

Exit Tours M/C web site:

Exit M/C on Facebook: