TPA FS MTRA Bookcliff team up

The North Uncompaghre Plateau has a great motorized trail system. It consists of ATV and motorcycle trails for the more advanced trail riders. One of the most challenging and infamous trails is the Long Canyon Trail. At the far southern end of the rail is a steep rocky climb known as Pole Hill. In the 2014 Snowshoe National Enduro the Long Canyon Trail was an A B only special test section. After the check out at the bottom of pole hill there was a big bottle neck of A and B riders stuck on Pole Hill. That was it. Something needed to be done about Pole Hill.


The Rattlers went to the Grand Valley Ranger District of the Forest Service and recommended relocation. The Forest Service located a more sustainable and rideable alternative. They did the NEPA analysis and flagged a suitable location.
Next was the collaboration between the Rattlers, Motorcycle Trail Riders Association and the Forest Service. It was decided that the best tool for the trail construction was a SWECO 300 trail dozer. With financial contributions from the Trails Preservation Alliance and The Bookcliff Rattlers, members of the MTRA did tractor constructed of the trail bed in August of 2015. Hand crews provided by the Forest Service and the Statewide OHV trail Crew cut out the corridor and did the hand finish work. Signing and obliteration of the old trail alignment was done by the Grand Valley Ranger District Single Track Crew.


MTRA has applied for and granted funds to purchase a SWECO 300. After it is delivered in the spring of 2016, the mini tractor will be available to agencies to maintain and construct single track motorized trails on the western slope. The Pole Hill project was a great shake down for the MTRA crew to learn more about the equipment and the logistics.

Thanks to TPA and the Rattlers for the financial support.
