The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is a grassroots, volunteer-centered not-for-profit group, composed of Colorado motorcycle trail riders to preserve single-track trails in Colorado and to inform the public about issues facing our sport.
The TPA is working with COHVCO and national organizations supporting motorized vehicle recreation to correct the imbalance of off-highway opportunities in Colorado.
The Alliance is facing a difficult task due to the size and influence of the groups wanting to eliminate OHV recreation in the National Forests.
However, the TPA is clearly having a significant impact.
The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is a Colorado-based non-profit, 501(c)(3) public charity organization that is dedicated to protecting and enhancing single-track motorcycle trail riding. Your donation is tax-deductable!
Mission/Vision Statement
To protect the sport of motorized trail riding, educating all user groups and the public on the value of sharing public lands for multiuse recreation, while protecting public lands for future generations.